May you always be surrounded by hubba-bubba love!
Learn how self-love, respect and forgiveness can move you beyond the hurt, blame, anger and grief of your past. Practical techniques to help you to feel more at ease with yourself and others. Easy-to-understand, interactive, hands-on, learning and compassionate environment.
Your Heart Chakra is the center of unconditional love, compassion, joy, self-love, forgiveness, peace, kindness and respect for yourself and others. When this Chakra is buzzing you feel on top of the world, full of loving thoughts and you can’t stop smiling! Your Chakra might need an adjustment if you find yourself holding grudges, thinking the world or somebody owes you or feeling a physical tightness in your chest. A soothing green with light touches of bright teal and soft pink represent this love bug Chakra.
In this class, we will focus on:
+ The signs and symptoms that could indicate your Heart Chakra needs some TLC
+ How sound, Chakra Energy Art, sacred geometry & Quantum energy can help facilitate your desire to heal so you can live a more peaceful and tanquil life
+ Using the energy of colors and shapes to strengthen your love for yourself and others
We’ll discover one different Chakra per month (next month is the Throat (light blue) Chakra). Each class is independent of the others so you can attend one or more classes and not miss a single beat. This is a repeating series to help you learn about the other major Chakras in your body.
BONUS!!! One attendee from this class will receive a piece of Heart Chakra art (valued at $50) signed by the artist to use for further development of his/her love bug chakra.
Cost: $20. So there is enough art to share with the others, seating is limited to 9 participants per class.
Facilitator: Ellie Alasantra, Intuitive Artist, Chakra Energy Coach & Energy Medium at VibraSoul Art, LLC. Check out more about Ellie by visiting